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Cellular Respiration

Transcript: 7.3 Aerobic Cellular Respiration The enzyme phosphoglucoisomerase converts glucose 6-phosphate into isomer fructose 6-phosphate. 7.4 Anaerobic Cellular Respiration There are two types of Cellular Respiration.. A major variable that can influence and limit the available chemical pathways is the presence and absence of Oxygen. Aerobic cellular respiration occurs in the presence of oxygen and involves the complete oxidation of glucose. Takes place in the absence of oxygen. Stage 1: glycolysis Stage 2: fermentaion Without O2, ETC cannot function, so anaerobic organisms have found many different ways to recycle NAD+ and allow the process of glycolysis to continue. Fermentation- recycles some of the products from glycolysis into two different pathways where either co2 and ethanal (alcohol fermentation) or lactic acid (lactic acid fermentation) are the final waste products. Glucose is a high energy molecule that cannot be used directly by a cell, it is a 6-carbon sugar. During glycolysis, glucose is converted to 2 - three carbon sugars called pyruvate. Glycolysis is an anaerobic process (does not require oxygen), it takes place in the cytoplasm. The 10 Steps of Glycolysis The Krebs cycle is a series of reactions which occurs in the mitochondria and results in the formation of ATP and other molecules which undergo further reactions to form more ATP. C6H12O6 + 6 O2 + 36 ADP + 36 Pi -> 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + 36 ATP The enzyme triose phosphate dehydrogenase serves two functions in this step. First the enzyme transfers a hydrogen (H-) from glyceraldehyde phosphate to the oxidizing agent NAD+ to form NADH. Next triose phosphate dehydrogenase adds a phosphate (P) from the cytosol to the oxidized glyceraldehyde phosphate to form 1, 3-bisphosphoglycerate. This occurs for both molecules of glyceraldehyde phosphate produced in step 5. Glucose + 2ADP + 2 Pi -> Lactic acid + 2ATP C6H1206 + 2 ADP + 2 Pi -> 2 C3H6O3 + 2 ADP The enzyme aldolase splits fructose 1, 6-bisphosphate into two sugars that are isomers of each other. These two sugars are dihydroxyacetone phosphate and glyceraldehyde phosphate. Demand of energy for most cellular processes are supplied by the energy stored in ATP. ATP is continuously broken down to ADP and Pi as they release energy to do work, then are changed so they can be used again. C6H12O6 + 2ADP + 2 Pi -> 2 C3H6O3 + 2ATP Cellular Respiration At some steps in the electron transport chain, the jumps from one energy level to the next are significantly larger than in others. The energy that is released in these steps is enough to power a process which drives ADP and phosphate molecules together to produce ATP. This process, called chemiosmosis, is discussed in the next section. glucose + ADP + inorganic phosphate -> lactic acid + ATP Cells have a limited amount of NAD+ and without a mechanism, glycolysis will not function and the cell will die. Stage 1: Releasing Energy Anaerobic Cellular Respiration Aerobic respiration produces many more ATP molecules than either of the anaerobic respiration processes Glycolysis allows organisms to get energy from nutrients without oxygen. During this process NAD+ is converted to NADH. This reaction is needed for Glycolysis. The enzyme pyruvate kinase transfers a P from PEP to ADP to form pyruvic acid and ATP. This happens for each molecule of PEP. This reaction yields 2 molecules of pyruvic acid and 2 ATP molecules. Plants make starch or storage over a long period, while animals and fungal cells link together glucose molecules to create "glycogen." When cells need energy for a particular process, that is supplied from ATP. The cells of both plants and animals release the energy that is stored in the bonds of glucose molecules. This is called Cellular Respiration. Stage 2: Stage 2: Fermentation The enzyme hexokinase phosphorylates glucose in the cell's cytoplasm. A phosphate group from ATP is transferred during process to glucose producing 6-phosphate. Stage 8: Glycolysis Stage 5: Electron Transport Fermentation occurs in the cytoplasm of the cells. glucose + ADP + inorganic phosphate -> lactic acid + ATP Glycolysis yields only two ATP molecules from each glucose molecules processed. This is not enough to satisfy the energy needs of organisms. Lactic Acid Fermentation Glucose is broken down during cellular respiration, done inside the mitochondria. Both types of respirations start with glycolysis. A short summary of the Krebs Cycle: The electron transport chain is the final stage of aerobic respiration. It makes use of the molecules of NADH and FADH2 formed during glycolysis and the Krebs cycle to produce great amounts of ATP. As the electrons are passed from high to low energy levels, energy is released. After many steps, the electrons are finally accepted by oxygen at the lowest energy level, producing water. Animals such as humans obtain energy from glucose by aerobic respiration. Though, during strenuous exercise, our muscle cells demand more ATP energy than can be supplied

Cellular Respiration

Transcript: To Know for Cellular Respiration (RS) 1. Purpose of RS? 2. Steps? 3. Ins/Outs? 4. Location? 5. Fermentation? Cellular Respiration Formula for Cellular Respiration C6H12O6 + 6O2 + enzymes> 6 CO2+ 6H2O +36 ATP The process by which oxygen is utilized with “food” to release energy for work- ATP 3 Steps Glycolysis- glucose splitting Krebs (citric acid) cycle Electron Transport chain (ETC) Anaerobic- "without" oxygen Aerobic- with oxygen Step 1 Glycolysis Glucose cannot be readily used by organisms I. Glycolysis- "glucose splitting" (Anaerobic, cytoplasm)- does not require Oxygen Glucose -6 Carbon molecule, converted to 2- 3 Carbon molecules goes through a series of steps Products Pyruvic Acid (Pyruvate) 2 ATP inputed, 4 ATP out = net of 2 ATP Expanded version of Glycolysis shows how detailed it is 10 steps. Glycolysis With Oxygen Aerobic Respiration (Mitochondria) Step 2 Krebs (Citric Acid ) Cycle (mitochondria) Purpose To Charge batteries NADH, FADH2 CO2 is released (some ATP is produced) Batteries go to Electron Transport Chain CO2 Released Step 3 Electron Transport Chain Batteries discharge forming ATP must have oxygen to finish discharge Final acceptor is oxygen forming water 36 ATP Without oxygen ETC will not work, water will not form, cell will do Fermentation Without Oxygen Anaerobic Respiration (cytoplasm) Alcoholic Respiration (yeast) Ethyl Alcohol & CO2 Released Fermentation Lactic Acid (muscles/fungi/ bacteria) Lactic Acid & cheese yogurt, soy sauce, sauerkraut CO2 Released Only 2 ATP Compare Aerobic -vs- Anaerobic 1. Both Start with Glycolysis in cytoplasm 2. With oxygen- results 36 ATP 3. Without oxygen- results 2 ATP 20X more energy with oxygen Why do we need RS? Release of energy for life's process Results in growth / repair /development Releases controlled amounts of body heat Recall the formula Photosynthesis 6H2O + 6CO2 + Sunlight -->C6H12O6 + 6O2 Cellular Respiration? Originally "NO" oxygen- organisms broke down food without oxygen. Oxygen is needed for the H+ ion to attach to form water again- full circle from PS. Without oxygen- organisms do fermentation. 3 Steps 1. Glycolysis- "glucose splitting" 2. Krebs (Citric Acid) Cycle 3. Electron Transport Chain (ETC) Figure 7-16 Iguana Figure 5-10 Manatee The process by which oxygen is utilized with “food” to release energy for work

Cellular Respiration

Transcript: Glycolysis gives away 2 ATPs and in return gets 4 ATPs. The two high energy molecules that are produced in the Krebs Cycles are NADH and FADH2. Energy carriers, NADH and FADH2, in the Krebs Cycle are reduced when they donate electrons. The carriers then become NAD+ and FAD. The cyclic nature of the Krebs Cycle is important because it shows how the molecules regenerate. It can go on producing ATP for energy simultaneously. The electrons flow through the electron transport chain to produce molecular oxygen. During the process, the protons move from the matrix to the intermembrane space in the inner membrane. Oxygen combined with the waste products from the powering of the electron transport chain protein pumps produce water molecules. Because the oxygen is combined with the waste products, it releases NAD+ and FAD. The energy carriers need oxygen for the process of cellular respiration. Chemiosmosis is the pumping of protons from the matrix to the outer compartment in the mitochondria in order to result in a concentration gradient. The formation of ATP is through the process of chemiosmosis. The ATP is used to split glucose molecules into a three-carbon compound (pyruvate) in order to produce energy. The energy is stored in the ATP and a molecule called NADH. Role of Oxygen Electron Transport Chain By: Shridha Abayanathan Cellular Respiration THE END Krebs Cycle CHEMIOSMOSIS Location: Inner Membrane of Mitochondria Glycolysis Location: Cytoplasm Energy Investment of Glycolysis Location: Mitochondria

Cellular Respiration

Transcript: Cellular Respiration -Occurs in the cytoplasm. -Occurs either aerobic or anaerobic. -The process of glycolysis starts with glucose. -Glucose is phosphorylated. -As one ATP is invested and converted into ADP with the removal of a phsophate group. -Another phosphate group is added to glucose with the investment of ATP which changes to ADP when it loses the phosphate group to glucose. -Sugar with diphophate undergoes lysis into 2 PGAL molecules. -Each PGAL is oxidized while NAD+ gains H electrons to become NADH + H+. -A phosphate is obtained and 2 ATP molecules are formed from ADP and phsopate released by PGAL. -The final product is pryuvate from each PGAL. The end products of glycolysis are 2 net ATP, 2 pyruvate, and 2 NADH + H+. -Forms a link between glycolysis and the Krebs cycle. -Transports the products from glycolysis into the mitochondrial matrix from the cytoplasm. -A molecule of CO2 is removed from pyruvate and it becomes acetyl CoA. -NAD+ is reduced to NADH + H+. The end products of the link reaction are CO2 and NADH + H+. Remember: 1 glucose produces 2 pyruvate , so the linking reaction happens two times per glucose. -Occurs in the mitochondrial matrix. -Occurs aerobic. -Two pyruvate molecules enter the link reaction where each pyruvate undergoes decarboxylation and loses a carbon to become a 2 carbon acetyl CoA. -The carbon molecule joins with an oxygen molecule and becomes CO2. -In this process pyruvate is oxidized and NAD+ is reudced to NADH + H+. -Coenzyme A is added to the product to make acteyl CoA. -The acetyl CoA then joins with a 4 carbon molecule in the Krebs Cycle, to create a 6 carbon citric acid. -In the process the coenzyme A is released. -Citric Acid is oxidized and NAD+ is reduced to NADH + H+. -It the undergoes a decarboxylation and loses a carbon molecule. -The carbon molecule joins with an oxygen to form CO2. -This occurs a second time. -ADP is reduced to ATP. -Then FAD is reduced to FADH2. -Once again NAD+ is reduced to NADH +H+. The Krebs Cycle occurs two times because of the 2 pyruvate produced during glycolysis. The end products of the Krebs Cycle are 4 CO2, 6 NADH, 2 FADH2, 2 ATP. -NADH and FADH2 release electrons to the first carrier (protein) in the chain. -Energy is released as the electrons pass from carrier to carrier. -The protein complexes use this energy to transfer protons H+ from matrix to intermembrane space. -As electrons flow along the chain, more and more protons are pumped across the inner mitochondrial membrane. -To allow electons to continue to flow they are trasnferred to a terminal electron acceptor at the end of the chain. (oxygen) -Oxygen binds with two H+ ions from the matrix to become water. -Protons pass back through the intermembrane via ATP synthase. -As they are moving down the concentation gradient, energy is released by ATP synthase to phosphorylate ADP. Cellular Respiration will yield 38 ATP. The energy produced during Cellular Respiration will be used to: - synthesize large molecules -pump molecules or ions across membranes by active transport -moving things around inside the cell Krebs Cycle Link Reaction -Occurs in the cristae, the inner foldings of the inner mitochondrial memebrane. -Occurs aerobic. Glycolysis Oxididative Phosphorylation and Chemiosmosis

cellular respiration

Transcript: Cellular Respiration Cellular Respiration converts energy from nutrients we consume into adenosine triphosphate, or ATP Cellular respiration happens in the 3 following stages: Glycolysis: Glycolysis literally means splitting sugars, during this step glucose is split into 2 molecules of a 3-carbon sugar, in this process 2 molecules of ATP and two "high energy" electron carrying molecules are produced. The Citric Acid Cycle: The Citric Acid Cycle begins after the two molecules of the three carbon sugar produced in glycolysis are converted to a slightly different compound, acetyl CoA. Through a series of steps, several compounds capable of storing "high energy" electrons are made along with two ATP molecules. These compounds, known as nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide and flavin adenine dinucleotide, are reduced in the process. These reduced forms carry the "high energy" electrons to the next stage. The Citric Acid Cycle occurs only when oxygen is present but it doesn't use oxygen directly. Electron Transport: Electron Transport requires oxygen directly. The electron transport chain is a series of electron carriers in the membrane of the mitochondria. Through a series of reactions, the "high energy" electrons are passed to oxygen. In the process, a gradient is formed, and ultimately ATP is produced. sources: The Citric Acid Cycle Glycolysis

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